Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong


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  1. Enhance the self-development of the children and youths, developing their potential, problem solving abilities and life skills.
  2. Enrich the social development of the children and youths, building up intimate social and family relationship as well as social skills, civic awareness, social responsibility and community network.
  3. Support marginal and disadvantaged children and youths to provide fruitful development and participation opportunities.
  4. Collaborate and engage with community stakeholders to establish mutual inclusion and flexible social environment, echoing the needs and challenges of the children and youths.


Aged 6-24 children and youth, and their family members

Service Nature

Using flexible intervention strategy on casework, groupwork and community work in the centre, schools and community. The service includes multiple life experience exposure, experiential learning, information technology, volunteer service and numerous activities designed for the children and youth and their families. The service nature of those programmes can be divided into four categories as follows:

  1. Guidance and counselling service
  2. Supportive programmes for the disadvantaged
  3. Developmental and socialization programmes
  4. Community Engagement programmes

Service Content

Volunteer Service

Enhance the children and youths as well as their families caring for the disadvantaged and serving the community through different volunteer services.

Children and Family Service

  • After-school care service
  • Children play therapy counselling service
  • Children & family activities
  • Children developmental groups
  • Parent supportive service
  • Ethnic minorities service

Adolescents Service

  • Multi-discipline interest development and life skills development programmes
  • Adolescents developmental and growth groups

School-based Supportive Service

Provide supportive services for the primary and secondary schools in the community, e.g. leadership training, career planning, volunteer service, Education Bureau community base project

Individual and Group Counselling

Professional social workers provide case and group counselling services for the children and youths as well as their families.

Theme Service

  • Global Citizenship
  • Green Life
  • Cross-generation Inclusion