Aged 6-24 children and youth, and their family members
Service Nature
Using flexible intervention strategy on casework, groupwork and community work in the centre, schools and community. The service includes multiple life experience exposure, experiential learning, information technology, volunteer service and numerous activities designed for the children and youth and their families. The service nature of those programmes can be divided into four categories as follows:
Service Content
Volunteer Service
Enhance the children and youths as well as their families caring for the disadvantaged and serving the community through different volunteer services.
Children and Family Service
Adolescents Service
School-based Supportive Service
Provide supportive services for the primary and secondary schools in the community, e.g. leadership training, career planning, volunteer service, Understanding Adolescent Project (Primary), Education Bureau Community Based Project
Individual and Group Counselling
Professional social workers provide case and group counselling services for the children and youths as well as their families.
Theme Service